Beware of the expert
On the topic of the “if you haven’t ___ , don’t tell me how to be a ______” mentality.
Why this is problematic:
- It disregards resources, encouraging practictioners to not use resources and supports that others may be able to provide, further pushing practitioners toward burnout and leaving their field.
- It discourages collaboration. If input is disregarded as soon as it’s given, you lose an opportunity to find a solution that could work with some problem-solving together.
- It diminishes self-advocacy, missing out on a chance to stand up for yourself and other practitioners. Creating a space for discussion of why it may not work in your setting will help others to better understand your position and the enormous responsibilities on your plate.
- It assumes intent. By presuming that someone is telling you what to do instead of offering supports to come together to find a solution, an opportunity for learning is lost.
How can we all be LESS of an expert?